海外からの旅行のパーティ・ディナー・ランチのご利用はいかがですか?How about using it for parties, dinners, and lunches when traveling from overseas?



ディナーコース 2,700円(税別)~

ランチコース 1,800円(税別)~



At Namaste Ganesha, you can enjoy parties and dinner lunches for those traveling from overseas.

Depending on the store, you can invite up to 100 people. (Daianji branch in Okayama city)

Dinner course from 2,700 yen (excluding tax)

Lunch course from 1,800 yen (excluding tax)

When making a reservation, we can respond in Hindi (Indian), English, and Japanese.
(Naughty Al Thachin in charge)

Please feel free to contact us.